The Purple Shoes Manual 0.7.166

Element Creation

Purple Shoes has a wide variety of elements, many cherry-picked from HTML. This page describes how to create these elements in a slot. See the Elements section of the manual for more on how to modify and use these elements after they have been placed.

Starts an animation timer, which runs parallel to the rest of the app. The fps is a number, the frames per seconds. This number dictates how many times per second the attached block will be called.

The block is given a frame number. Starting with zero, the frame number tells the block how many frames of the animation have been shown. do
   counter = para "STARTING"
   animate 24 do |frame|
     counter.replace "FRAME #{frame}"

The above animation is shown 24 times per second. If no number is given, the fps defaults to 10.

background(pattern) » Shoes::Background

Draws a Background element with a specific color (or pattern.) Patterns can be colors, gradients or images. Colors and images will tile across the background. Gradients stretch to fill the background.

PLEASE NOTE: Backgrounds are actual elements, not styles. HTML treats backgrounds like styles. Which means every box can only have one background. Purple Shoes layers background elements. do
   background black
   background white, width: 50

The above example paints two backgrounds. First, a black background is painted over the entire app's surface area. Then a 50 pixel white stripe is painted along the left side.

banner(text) » Shoes::Banner

Creates a Banner text block. Purple Shoes automatically styles this text to 48 pixels high.

Draws a Border element using a specific color (or pattern.) Patterns can be colors, gradients or images. Colors and images will tile across the border. Gradients stretch to fill the border.

PLEASE NOTE: Like Backgrounds, Borders are actual elements, not styles. HTML treats backgrounds and borders like styles. Which means every box can only have one borders. Purple Shoes layers border and background elements, along with text blocks, images, and everything else.

button(text) { ... } » Shoes::Button

Adds a push button with the message text written across its surface. An optional block can be attached, which is called if the button is pressed.

caption(text) » Shoes::Caption

Creates a Caption text block. Purple Shoes styles this text to 14 pixels high.

check() » Shoes::Check

Adds a check box.

code(text) » String

Create a Code text fragment. This text defaults to a monospaced font.

del(text) » String

Creates a Del text fragment (short for "deleted") which defaults to text with a single strikethrough in its middle.

Opens a new app window (just like the window method does,) but the window is given a dialog box look.

Note: Purple Shoes doesn't support dialog method.

Adds a large, multi-line textarea to this slot. The text is optional and should be a string that will start out the box. An optional block can be attached here which is called any type the user changes the text in the box.

If accepts_tab is true a tab character is inserted. If accepts_tab is false the keyboard focus is moved to the next element in the focus chain. This accepts_tab defaults to false. do
   edit_box text: "HORRAY EDIT ME"
   edit_box text: "small one",
     width: 100, height: 160
edit_line(text) » Shoes::EditLine

Adds a single-line text box to this slot. The text is optional and should be a string that will start out the box. An optional block can be attached here which is called any type the user changes the text in the box.

em(text) » String

Creates an Em text fragment (short for "emphasized") which, by default, is styled with italics.

A timer similar to the animate method, but much slower. This timer fires a given number of seconds, running the block attached. So, for example, if you need to check a web site every five minutes, you'd call every(300) with a block containing the code to actually ping the web site.

flow(styles) { ... } » Shoes::Flow

A flow is an invisible box (or "slot") in which you place Purple Shoes elements. Both flows and stacks are explained in great detail on the main Slots page.

Flows organize elements horizontally. Where one would use a stack to keep things stacked vertically, a flow places its contents end-to-end across the page. Once the end of the page is reached, the flow starts a new line of elements.

image(path) » Shoes::Image

Creates an Image element for displaying a picture. PNG, JPEG and GIF formats are allowed.

The path can be a file path or a URL. All images loaded are temporarily cached in memory, but remote images are also cached locally in the user's personal Shoes directory. Remote images are loaded in the background; as with browsers, the images will not appear right away, but will be shown when they are loaded.

Note: Purple Shoes doesn't support the above personal Shoes directory.

imagesize(path) » [width, height]

Quickly grab the width and height of an image. The image won't be loaded into the cache or displayed.

URGENT NOTE: This method cannot be used with remote images (loaded from HTTP, rather than the hard drive.)

ins(text) » String

Creates an Ins text fragment (short for "inserted") which Purple Shoes styles with a single underline.

inscription(text) » Shoes::Inscription

Creates an Inscription text block. Purple Shoes styles this text at 10 pixels high.

Creates a Link text block, which Purple Shoes styles with a single underline and colors with a #06E (blue) colored stroke.

The default LinkHover style is also single-underlined with a #039 (dark blue) stroke.

link(text){ ... } » Shoes::Link

Creates a Link text block. You can also write with this style. When user clicks the link text, the block will be launched.

Adds a drop-down list box containing entries for everything in the items array. An optional block may be attached, which is called if anything in the box becomes selected by the user. do
  stack  margin: 10 do
   para "Pick a card:"
   list_box items: ["Jac", "Ace", "Jok"] do |item|
    @p.text = "#{item} was picked!"
   @p = para

Call ListBox#text to get the selected string. See the ListBox section under Native controls for more help.

progress() » Shoes::Progress

Adds a progress bar.

para(text) » Shoes::Para

Create a Para text block (short for "paragraph") which Purple Shoes styles at 12 pixels high.

Adds a radio button. If a group name is given, the radio button is considered part of a group. Among radio buttons in the same group, only one may be checked. (If no group name is given, the radio button is grouped with any other radio buttons in the same slot.)

span(text) » Shoes::Span

Creates a Span text fragment, unstyled by default.

 # Not yet available do
   tagline "\n", 'hello ' * 5, 
     span(em('Purple Shoes'), size: 8, rise: 15)

Note: Purple Shoes doesn't support span method.

stack(styles) { ... } » Shoes::Stack

Creates a new stack. A stack is a type of slot. (See the main Slots page for a full explanation of both stacks and flows.)

In short, stacks are an invisible box (a "slot") for placing stuff. As you add things to the stack, such as buttons or images, those things pile up vertically. Yes, they stack up!

strong(text) » String

Creates a Strong text fragment, styled in bold by default.

sub(text) » String

Creates a Sub text fragment (short for "subscript") which defaults to lowering the text by 10 pixels and styling it in an x-small font.

subtitle(text) » String

Creates a Subtitle text block. Purple Shoes styles this text to 26 pixels high.

sup(text) » String

Creates a Sup text fragment (short for "superscript") which defaults to raising the text by 10 pixels and styling it in an x-small font.

tagline(text) » Shoes::Tagline

Creates a Tagline text block. Purple Shoes styles this text to 18 pixels high.

A one-shot timer. If you want to schedule to run some code in a few seconds (or minutes, hours) you can attach the code as a block here.

To display an alert box five seconds from now: do
   timer 5 do
     alert "Your five seconds are up."
title(text) » Shoes::Title

Creates a Title text block. Purple Shoes styles these elements to 34 pixels high.

video(path or url) » Shoes::Video

Embeds a movie or plays an audio.

Opens a new app window. This method is almost identical to the method used to start an app in the first place. The difference is that the window method sets the new window's owner property. (A normal has its owner set to nil.)

So, the new window's owner will be set to the Shoes::App which launched the window. This way the child window can call the parent. title: "The Owner" do
  button "Pop up?" do
   window do
    para "Okay, popped up from [#{owner.inspect}]."

Next: Events